Password For Root User In Mac

I just installed MySQL on Mac OS X. The next step was setting the root user password, so I did this next: Launch the terminal app to access the Unix command line. Under the Unix prompt I executed.

  • The best solution for 10.7 and 10.8 is to boot in recovery mode (CMD+R). Then, open a terminal window and type the command 'resetpassword'. This will open a window which will allow you to reset any user's password.
  • MariaDB 10.4 enables Unix socket authentication plugin for the local root by default. It means that on a freshly installed system you can connect to a running server without a password, as long as you are a local root (e.g. Run under sudo) and using a socket rather than TCP. Further, MariaDB 10.4 allows multiple authentication methods for accounts.

Terminal User Guide

You must be an administrator or root user, also called superuser, to execute many of the commands used to manage a server.

For example, if you’re not an administrator or a root user, entering the shutdown command gives you an error:

This is because the shutdown command can be run only by the root user or by an administrator user with root user privileges.

To run commands with superuser privileges, use the sudo command. sudo stands for superuser do.


The following example works on computers with macOS installed, so don’t run it unless you want to restart your computer:

% sudo shutdown

You’re asked for the password of the current user.

Only administrator users can use sudo. If you’re not logged in as an administrator, you can do so by entering the following command, where adminUsername is the name of an administrator user:

Change Password For Root User Mac

Mac default root password

You’re asked to enter the password for adminUsername, after which a new shell is opened for that user.

If a command requires it, you can use su to switch to the root user. Under normal circumstances, you shouldn’t log in as the root user.

Mac Root User

Important: If you use su to log in as the root user, be especially careful, because you have sufficient privileges to make changes that can cause your computer to stop working.

Password For Root User In Mac Shortcut

See alsoEnter a password in the Terminal window on Macsudo command man pagesu command man page