Sublime Text 2 For Mac

SUBLIME TEXT 2.X, 3.X UNIVERSAL LICENSE CRACK KEYS COLLECTION FOR WIN, MAC & LINuX WORKING - SUBLIME TEXT 2.X, 3.X UNIVERSAL LICENSE CRACK KEYS COLLECTION FOR WIN, MAC &. Free download Sublime Text 2 Sublime Text 2 for Mac OS X. Sublime Text 2 - Sublime Text is a sophisticated text editor for code, html and prose.


Installation of SFTP is performed via Package Control. This package manager for Sublime Text helps keep your copy of SFTP up-to-date with the latest features and bug fixes.

Without a license, SFTP runs in evaluation mode. This mode includes full functionality and there is no time limit, however, continued usage requires the purchase of a license. A reminder will appear every ten operations.

Sublime Text 2 For Mac

Simple Method

  1. Open the Sublime Text command palette by pressing ctrl+shift+p, type Install and hit Enter
  2. Type SFTP and hit Enter

Alternate, Manual Method

This method should only be used as a last resort since all updates to the package must be performed by following these instructions again.

If your machine can not access the internet, and thus can not use Package Control, you may need to perform a manual installation.

To install SFTP for on , you must:

  1. Click the Sublime Text application menu
  2. Select Preferences Browse Packages…
  3. Create a new folder named SFTP
  4. Download the SFTP.sublime-package for Sublime Text 3 on Mac
  5. Rename the file to and extract it into the folder created during step 3
  6. Restart Sublime Text
  1. Click the Sublime Text 2 application menu
  2. Select Preferences and then Browse Packages…
  3. Browse up a folder and then into the folder named Installed Packages
  4. Download the SFTP.sublime-package for Sublime Text 2 on Mac
  5. Move SFTP.sublime-package into the Installed Packages folder from step 3
  6. Restart Sublime Text
  1. Click the Preferences menu and select Browse Packages…
  2. Create a new folder named SFTP
  3. Download the SFTP.sublime-package for Sublime Text 3 on Linux
  4. Rename the file to and extract it into the folder created during step 2
  5. Restart Sublime Text
Uninstall sublime text 2 macSublime Text 2 For Mac
  1. Click the Preferences menu and select Browse Packages…
  2. Browse up a folder and then into the folder named Installed Packages
  3. Download the SFTP.sublime-package for Sublime Text 2 on Linux
  4. Move SFTP.sublime-package into the Installed Packages folder from step 2
  5. Restart Sublime Text

Sublime Text 3 Mac

  1. Click the Preferences menu and select Browse Packages…
  2. Create a new folder named SFTP
  3. Download the SFTP.sublime-package for Sublime Text 3 on Windows
  4. Rename the file to and extract it into the folder created during step 2
  5. Restart Sublime Text
  1. Click the Preferences menu and select Browse Packages…
  2. Browse up a folder and then into the folder named Installed Packages
  3. Download the SFTP.sublime-package for Sublime Text 2 on Windows
  4. Move SFTP.sublime-package into the Installed Packages folder from step 2
  5. Restart Sublime Text

Beta Releases

Sublime Text 2 Shortcuts Mac

If you are interested in running the latest pre-release version of SFTP, you may subscribe to the testing repository. As the name implies, testing releases are not as thoroughly tested as normal releases, so you are more likely to run into errors.

Uninstall Sublime Text 2 Mac

  1. Run the Package Control: Add Repository command from the command palette
  2. Paste the URL into the input box at the bottom of Sublime Text and press enter
  3. Run the Package Control: Upgrade Package command from the command palette and select SFTP
  4. Restart Sublime Text

Sublime Text Editor Download Mac

To return to normal relases, you must open the menu Preferences Package Settings Package Control Settings – User, delete from the repositories list, then remove and install SFTP again.